
Violence against women and children People in the world should constantly watch over the rights of women and children in this society because without these two a society could not be maintained in any way. Around the world, women and children are the human beings most affected by their human rights, since in some countries and cultures women are in some cases mere objects that are only meant to take care of the house, children and even satisfy their husbands. all their needs without question, then it will show in which countries the rights are more frequently violated to women and children. One of the countries where the rights of women and children are most violated is Somalia since it is a country where society and the economy is totally destroyed, so women and children suffer irremediably, not only because of lack of food and / or risk of being victims of sexual assault but also exposed to a mutilation of sexual organisms since it is common in tribes of that country and in thi

essay 21/11/17

                                                Coffee Coffee is a drink discovered in ancient Ethiopia exactly in a town called kaffi, coffee was discovered by mistake by a monk who saw his goats eating a red fruit that made them hyperactive even at late hours of the night. then coffee became popular in the golden age but it was a very expensive drink and only rich people could buy it, then in the modern age in london exactly the workers used to drink coffee in their long working days and their bosses They saw this as something positive since it helped them to be active, which produced a small break called coffee break. Coffee has many advantages but also has disadvantages. As advantages the caffee makes you more active and improves your sensory capacity up to 15%, also has many vitamins that are good for the body and being something totally natural there are few adverse effects to ingest it, also prevents diseases such as Alzheimer's and cancer . As a disadvantag

Essay 20/11/2017

                                          The Abortion  Abortion is known as a contraceptive method because it "kills the baby that is inside the mother", this method is considered as something inhuman or some people but for others it is something that can be done for some reasons like the mother have the baby have a high probability of death or that the baby is born with a problem that affects him in his life. abortion has advantages as it also has disadvantages as an advantage abortion can prevent the birth of a child who comes to suffer on earth either because of an illness that this has at birth or that the mother simply can not take care of or give that this needs to grow correctly, another "advantage" that have women who are sexually violated , if they become pregnant they can use abortion to prevent the rapist's child rise,as a disadvantage we have as one of the most common is that the mother dies when performing the abortion, another disadvantag
The Legend of the eternal life elixir long time ago in the land of winjoin existed a wizard named alexander with the Philosopher Stone he created an elixir that gives whichever the inmortality but he said that drinking that elixir will take your humanity away and then he decides to hide it in a cave in the most dangerous jungle in winjoin but 100 years after his death everyone wants to find it and one native boy of 14 years find it and drink and lost his humanity, he was so evil that the demons obey him without coimplaining but someone somehow we dont know seal his "soul" into a rock in a cavern and sealed the entry with a gigant rock. but someday he will come back and destroy the kingdom.     Kaisha creationMyth in ancient time the creation god named velezhkha created the world using his own body to make everything he uses his two blue eyes balls to create de see and the sky, he uses his hair to create the earth and with his skin he creates animals but later he thi
                                         English Homework            Comparison between Genesis:1 and The world on the turtle´s back Genereal comparison At naked eye we cann se that both texts are a cration "myth" one of them is a chapter of the biblie that tell the story of how god created the world in 7 days and the other is a Iroquis creation myth that tells how a "family" creates everything. General similarities           In the both "myths" tells the creation of the world, the day , the night, light and darkness in other words in each "myth" tell us that are a balance between good and evil, an evidence of that is for example the twins in "The world on the turtle´s back" and when God separates the light and darkness to create the day and night. General differences in the beginning of "The world on the turtle´s back" a pregnant woman is falling down of the skyworld or city of gods, when she is fall